What is Prolotherapy?
The American Board of Prolotherapy, founded in 1988, has been formed for the express purpose of examining and certifying applicant practitioners of the various aspects of prolotherapy and the resulting reduction and/or complete elimination of pain.
The American Board of Prolotherapy has been certifying physicians in Prolotherapy since 1989. The purpose of this Board shall be to advance the standards of practice and quality of service in the field of Prolotherapy by establishment and operation of an Examining Board.
It has been determined that the certifying processes proceed with applications being forwarded to all who are known to be practitioners in the various modalities of sclerotherapy/prolotherapy. Applicants will be scheduled to proceed with part two of the process upon receipt of a completed application. This is intended to be a practical examination which will be scheduled at a latter date.
The enclosed application is the first step in the certification process. Certification requirements will include, but not be limited to sufficient time at least three years in the active practice of prolotherapeutic techniques. Demonstration of effort in projecting the practice and art of prolotherapy and the resulting reduction or elimination of pain to the lay public, such as advertising copy, signs, printed matter etc. include samples of the same. Licensed in the practice of medical, dentistry, podiatry or similar healing art.
The completed application for certification is $300.00.
Please forward to:
[email protected]
Call the office at 302-530-2489 to process your application fee.
President: John Sessions, D.O., Walter Grote, D.O., VP, Gerald Harris, D.O., Treasurer